Took a few pics


Vetter Master
Well, I like trains and ride them,I will camping next to them later this evening(11/8) but was watching this on you tube a little bit earlier and in Glasgow MT at the 1 hr 10 minute 4 second mark guess what I saw parked next to the XS11:) I just happen to ride the 11 and a few members on here do also:D


Vetter Master
Think this 11 was on an acid trip:)



Vetter Master
Thank you very much.I don't know who would wanna buy my pictures.They are just simple straight forward pics with a little touch up that any one can do.Maybe with a tripod and a little thought into pictures I could come up with something.I normally just jump off the bike and shoot or on the train I only have a second or two.It is nice to know people like a few of my pics. Landscapes are fun,I am able to walk a little bit on level ground now so I hope to be shooting some more now.Crutches still hold me back some but I am getting there;)

Kynan C.

Country flag
I am a photographer however, not a crazy creative abstract photographer. My entire design life is built around corporate identity. I like things to be 100% perfect. I can be creative, however my struggle is, I want whatever project I am working on I want it to be a perfect creative creation. Thats hard to achieve for me being a perfectionist. However somehow I make a living being creative. Internal struggles.....

Point and shoot Steppen! Don't think to much about it.


Vetter Master
I just shoot what I like.Focus a little,turn a little thingie,a quick frame,move to next place. I am NOT a perfectionist that is for sure.
I like every thing...


As you say,I don't think about it,my brain might explode:) Would like to see some of your work if possible.
I did join two photography sites recently to learn things.Almost 61 and it takes me awhile to remember things:)
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Kynan C.

Country flag
I will dig some up for you. I don't know if you ever saw what I actually work on a day to day. Here is my companies website We design all sorts of things. Web design, logo, product, signs, photography, on and on. You can see some of the jobs in the portfolio. I don't have much time to update my own website, however it's about time again.


Vetter Master
Wow,I am no where near that good or have the right equipment or have any training on how to take a picture.I see something,I point,shoot move on to the next thing I see.I just have an entry level Nikon D60.I like the big body so I can see what I am doing and not have to guess with a view screen that the sun blocks out:) I will look at the web site a bit more later,thanks!!

Kynan C.

Country flag
The Nikon D60 is a great camera. Its not always about the lens and lighting. You can take a incredible image with a 5 dollar camera. It is all about the creative eye, and you have that Steppen. I have worked with some serious pros, and learned a lot just by watching.

I shoot with a Canon 5D MKII, I have multiple lenses I use depending on the application.

Kynan C.

Country flag
After one long day at the office I decided to take a bunch of misprinted client presentation folders and dress Ryan up as a medieval knight. This was done with folders, time, a Canon 30D, the Bakersfield streets, and lots of staples. Within tens of minutes he was converted into “The Knight”. The photo is raw and not Photoshopped, but he did have to stand in the same spot and not move for 20 seconds.



Vetter Master
What caught my eye was the lighting,very nice.Then I was started to look at the picture,the sad eyes of the knight was the first thing,kinda drawen to it.Then the lighting of the church cross,that is really cool then I tried to think of what denomination,churches around here don't seem to have crosses like that but I am in an old school area.But then the tree,lit up and I saw the cyclops eye and a lot of evil creatures on it climbing on it,too cool.
I can't do that stuff,I can only work with my pictures.I have no programming to have fun with pictures other than what photobucket gives me for free,kinda at their mercy.
Like that picture,pretty cool!!:)


Vetter Master
My partners bike,This is near the house,I might ride it when I start riding again because it is low to the ground and easy to ride.1200cc Sportster,nice bike,give me your credit card and I will ride it coast to coast.