Alan F.
Vetter Aficionado

I found this site a while back and figured I'd share it here. These little LED signals are made in USA and are apparently the brightest available. I've had my eye on a set for my next daily rider since I first spotted them. While they're not exactly inexpensive, the idea of other drivers actually seeing my turn signal appeals to me. They are made in flush-mount styles for sport bikes, which could probably be adapted into a Vetter design with ease. They have a more conventional, threaded mount type as well, but they're tiny and unless they're flashing nobody will know they're there.
They do sell on ebay as well, and I've seen other sellers listing them, some new and some used for less than retail pricing.
They do sell on ebay as well, and I've seen other sellers listing them, some new and some used for less than retail pricing.