Windjammer IV models?

Arthur Greisige

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I am looking for a Windjammer IV or V for my 1980 Yamaha XS850G (Special). I'm looking at a faring with the serial number 32443058. Can anyone tell me if this will fit the Yamaha? Or how to obtain a list of the models for that bike?

Arthur Greisiger

Larry Fine

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Welcome to the forum.

All Windjammers were universal; only the mounting brackets were bike-specific. Your best bet is to look on eBay for mounts for similar models, like Yamaha 750/850/1000/1100, etc, of similar years.

For example, the Windjammer 5 on my '96 Nighthawk 750 came with the mount from an '82 CB750 Custom. You can see and read about my install here:
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Learning the Ropes
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What Larry said... Sadly, Vetter did not mark the mounting brackets with the bike they were designed to fit. That was only marked on the box they were originally packed in. Hopefully, you can find one that came off a bike that is the same, or similar enough. If you have some metal working skill, they can be modified.
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Arthur Greisige

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Welcome to the forum.

All Windjammers were universal; only the mounting brackets were bike-specific. Your best bet is to look on eBay for mounts for similar models, like Yamaha 750/850/1000/1100, etc, of similar years.

For example, the Windjammer 5 on my '96 Nighthawk 750 came with the mount from an '82 CB750 Custom. You can see and read about my install here:
I did buy an NOS my mounting kit for the XS850G Special I have. I was doing research and was tettering as to the universal fit. Thank you for confirming that. Now my issue is the lower farings. I'm looking a set of type 2, while the Yamaha 750 triple calls for type 4. I wonder what the difference is and whether or not Type 2 can be adapted without ruining it?


Learning the Ropes
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Yes thank you. I bought a NOS kit and I'm waiting for it to come in before I commit to a faring. I saw some nice fairings that were used on Honda's , but I wondered if those would fit on a Yamaha XS850? The answer may be yes.
Yes, if you have the right bracket the fairing will fit. All the Windjammers, from the early one that were simple fairings, to the late ones with the integral turn signals, were all the same basic layout and shape. mounting brackets.html