Assembled my Vetter XS11 front end tonight (went well, I think). I am super tired, and will do a full post with details tomorrow, or maybe Sunday. Even with pics!
Mine is tore apart to. I hoped to have it all done by this weekend . I want sooo bad to go to Daytona It's like a 2,1/2 hr drive for me hurry up hurry up...
Sounds to me that there bike will point and run.. Look good doing it to. By the pictures weather is good rite now, An that's a bonus..
For me I was able to get my Dyna coil pack, wires, and the crimping tool. All the doors are apart on the luggage. Fairing was striped down wet 1000 taped off papered. Trunk, bags, ie, doors ready for assemble. Phone camera. The dust has settled on dried clear coat. After the all dried in the back of my Toyota Truck. Midnight Blue from Dupli-Color. Went down nice. @ the surface it is a Kris Cross pattern. Kobalt gun. I'm 10 years rusty.. Oh am most definitely not done in a weekend...
I have a love hate relationship with painting. With growing up around a father who was a vehicle painter, I spent most of my youth color sanding, stripping, blocking, taping, and waxing. Years later, I think I am still scared to take up painting again.
You are telling it like it is for sure. Dads sure can be fun sometimes. Add OCD= Madness.. When I painted my boat I have 9 coats of alcat paint on it. Blocking taping, I can only say this. The last one I paint will be a El camino.
I know the nine coat dance all to well. OCD, I think I am having flashbacks. I need to go to the fridge, and get a beer, and relax. Maybe the auto painting cold chills will go away.
My dad is a super accomplished resto fellow. I got to work on lots of super cool cars and motorcycles growing up. I guess thats why I love working on cars and bikes today. So much fun, and yes I have bad OCD. I am the type of person who just can't do one thing to a vehicle. I have to take it down to the ground and redo every nut and bolt. I fight this everyday.
Super fun... Is what I call it. The Meds just make a person someone else. (trial error no thank you). The Yamaha there I had one just before this bike, Model is a 500 I had..
There is just something about a chrome front fender that sets a bike off. I had one for my 1100 off of a 78 1000 but I traded it floor boards for the 1200. Someday I will get another.
There is one in a bone yard I just found out about, due to my lap in reply. There closed tomorrow, Open Monday. I'll go have a look for what I need an snap a photo from my phone. Email it to you or is there a mobile app. I'll check it out for sure tho, no doubt
I was looking at the images of my XS and I really like the look with the drilled rotors. I was skeptical of drilling them, even know some of the later models are slotted, and they look good. All in all I am extremely happy with the look of the front end!
I heard a rumor it is something like 40 holes lots of lube an real drill bits... lets not forget patience..
I think I'll just knock down the glaze look
Can you explain the reason for the fork braces? Is it an XS11 thing? I have all the parts to rebuild my XJ750's front end but haven't started yet (well minus new rotors).
The fork brace is by Tkat The Yamaha XS1100 is notorious for having wobbles. I think mainly because the front end is so heavy on these bikes, and the only thing really stabilizing the front forks is a thin fender. I had a bad case of wobbles, so from there I did my research and found changing the front fork springs and a fork brace was about the best thing you can do for the XS11. There are manufactures that make fork braces for many bikes. The XJ750 probably didn't have all the issues that the XS11 did, so it may not need one. However, me? I would do one anyway after what I went through. These guys make one for the XJ .
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