Installing a Vetter Terraplane.


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Hello all, Thank you for admitting me into the group, I am an expat Welshman living in mid Canada. I have been riding continually for over 50 years, mostly British bikes, extensive experience working on them. Currently have 2 sidecar outfits, a Ural which I use for winter riding, and a 900 BMW with a Velorex. Recently purchased a Vetter Terraplane which I intend to install on a 1981 Suzuki 850G shaft drive. The sidecar has what I think are the original brackets, I have no problem to make whatever I need to connect it to the bike, but I would like to see any Vetter instructions for the installations, just to get the settings etc. Apologies if this has been asked previously, I am new here.


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Thank you for the response. I had looked at the site but only limited information relating to attaching to a Goldwing. All I really need are the settings, ie, how far ahead of the rear wheel do I set the sidecar wheel, toe in, lean out of the bike. I know that generally the wheels are offset around 9+ inches, toe in and lean should be adjustable to suit the bike. I have to make the attachments so was hoping to get some feedback from someone who has experience with Vetters. Attached photo of the first “mock up”. Interestingly the bike and sidecar were purchased a long distance apart but had both been repainted the same colour, although the sidecar does need repainting. Thanks again.


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If you click on "reply" in the lower-right corner of a previous post, you get an "attach files" button below your response window.
Thank you, that is what I tried, showed the file attached but no photo. Also reduced the size of the file, will try again here. Ok, just did this,File shows as IMG_8920jpeg but no actual photo?


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You probably are already past this point. But, I bought a vetter that was on a Suzuki. I mounted it to a Honda CTX 700. I have the old Suzuki bike side mounts. I will ship them to you if you need them.