Ccw while riding.


Learning the Ropes
Only thing I carry concealed while riding is my wallet! Happy to say I've never felt the need to have a weapon on me, ever.

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Vetter Aficionado
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My dad always kept his in the right side pouch of his tank bag, when he and mom went to Canada he bought a 12 gauge flare pistol, he said if anyone tried anything they'd feel that burn for a long time.

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Len Lutz

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Works on the bike or off! Ambidextrous design, has pistol pocket and two magazine pouches on each side, so you can decide what to carry and where. has MANY Concealed Carry options. For more options, check the outerwear at (OooRah to all my jarhead brothers!).

Kynan C.

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Only thing I carry concealed while riding is my wallet! Happy to say I've never felt the need to have a weapon on me, ever.

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Unfortunately, I feel the same way, however, the times to come are unpredictably real. Do you remember that old saying "better be safe then sorry"?. The world is going sideways, just watch mainstream media or non. Whats going in in Europe isn't far from what will go on here if we continue to allow it. One difference is Europe is closer to the threat, we are fortunate to have a ocean between us to delay the assimilation. The good news is, Europe doesn't have arms, we do. Gear up, it may save America.


Learning the Ropes
My family and I lived in a small town in California where crime was nearly unheard of. My daughter was a special needs child who grew to a beautiful special needs adult. Unfortunately, gang activity moved to our area about the same time we got our first traffic light. My daughter became a target even when I was with her by those who took advantage of the weak and defenseless.
Home invasions and carjackings became ever increasingly common. I had always had firearms at home, mainly for the shooting sports and I had NRA decals in the windows at home and in the cars. This may have made us immune to attack, no real way to be sure. Getting my CCW and reoccurring training was for me, the next logical step.
Fortunately, I have never had to present while packing but I have been approached and when this happened, it was clear my awareness and confidence, again training, put these encounters off.
I feel even if someone does not feel the need for CCW, if they can, have it. You never know.


Learning the Ropes
By the way, for in car defense, you may have a can of wasp & hornet spray handy. Don't need no stink'n CCW, does not need to be canceled and most spray up to 22 feet. 21 Feet is your legal defense zone and it has high volume.
Can you imagine how effective this would be sprayed in an attacker's eyes?
Just be absolutely sure you are under serious threat !!!


Learning the Ropes
I gave the inside the pants holster @ 3 o'clock a try with my 1911 and the last two times I was putting my Kimber in the safe, the thumb safety was disengaged.
I did not have that problem with my Browning BDM and I will present an update with the rest of my collection.

Seth Matthews

Vetter Aficionado
I carry a Glock (we don't need no stinking saftey's" kidding of course) and a Ruger LC380. usually I carry at the 4 o'clock position inside the pants, or 3 o'clock outside the pants with a Serpa holster. usually have no problems with comfort.

Seth Matthews

Vetter Aficionado
I gave the inside the pants holster @ 3 o'clock a try with my 1911 and the last two times I was putting my Kimber in the safe, the thumb safety was disengaged.
I did not have that problem with my Browning BDM and I will present an update with the rest of my collection.
I'm curious though, whats triggering the thumb safety.


Five Star Vetteral
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For me, with one particular holster, I was catching the thumb safety on my t-shirt (under an over-shirt) when I was removing it from the holster. I changed my habit of how I remove my 1911 when I am wearing an undershirt with that holster: I remove the holster from the pants rather than the pistol from the holster. I also started using another holster that has an elastic piece for a magazine, and the holster covers the thumb safety better.


Vetter Aficionado
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I carry a Glock 27 in a leather OWB holster around the 4 o'clock position (kidney carry). It's what feels comfortable and it conceals easy being a skinny guy. Working in law enforcement, it's rare for me to leave the house unarmed.

Seth Matthews

Vetter Aficionado
I can count on one hand how many times I've left the house without one, in the last 6 months. (since getting my ccw)


Learning the Ropes
I have worked with the holster tiring to figure how the safety gets moved. Didn't happen any other time only after riding. To error on the side of caution, I have retired the ISP/1911 setup. Motorcycle accidents and accidental shootings are always front page news. Put them together and I could make HISTORY!


Learning the Ropes
I carry a Glock 27 in a leather OWB holster around the 4 o'clock position (kidney carry). It's what feels comfortable and it conceals easy being a skinny guy. Working in law enforcement, it's rare for me to leave the house unarmed.
Thank you for your dedication. BLUE LIVES MATTER!


Five Star Vetteral
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I can count on one hand how many times I've left the house without one, in the last 6 months. (since getting my ccw)

I can relate. It has gotten to where I feel like I am missing a piece of clothing if I don't have something on me. On those rare occasions that I cannot carry, I make sure I finish it quick.


Learning the Ropes
North Carolina has an irritating law - if a business has a "NO WEPONS ALOWED" sign posted in a propionate place, you can't legally carry there. OKAY, if Starbucks does not want my business, so be it. However I took my father to a doctor's appointment today paid by Medicare and Tricare, he had no choice but to go there. THEY HAD THAT SIGN POSTED!!! I left my CCW in the truck but I was pi--ed. I hate to go into a target rich anyplace, especially with a member of my family, un-armed.
Vent, vent, vent - thanks