Search results

  1. cfmckay

    Um... does the Terraplane even HAVE a turn signal??

    When I restored my Terraplane I attached a BMW K bike rear turn signal housing to the wheel fender. It required some modification but works as intended. I have attached a few pictures of my rig.
  2. cfmckay

    Vetter terraplane and K100RS

    For the past 7 weeks I have been learning how to adjust the sidecar and the motorcycle to give me the best handling. I have covered approximately 1200 miles in 12- 15 runs to make the adjustments. I am getting the hang of handling my rig, it has been a challenging experience. In the beginning it...
  3. cfmckay

    Original terraplane shock specs

    I recently completed and have been testing and refining the rig. Yesterday I loaded 120 lbs of sand bags on the seat to familiarize myself with handling a loaded sidecar. Different handling but manageable, however on my way home from my sons house about 100yards from my road I hit something in...
  4. cfmckay

    terraplane sidecar

    Looking for an original terraplane sidecar wheel cover. The small cap that covers the large nut that secures the wheel to the axle. Craig
  5. cfmckay

    Parts list

    I am interested in buying one of your spinner cap mods, please reply to Thanks , Craig
  6. cfmckay

    Parts list

  7. cfmckay

    Terraplane using DMC brackets???

    I have a similar setup for my BMW K100RS. I have posted photos on this site perhaps you can get a better idea of the hook up. It is labor intensive and as you noted no specific instructions. The lower heim joints with the tubes, attach to the sidecar mounts and the upper adjustable rods attach...
  8. cfmckay

    I would like to receive a patch. My address is PO box 185B Staffordville Connecticut 06077 Thank...

    I would like to receive a patch. My address is PO box 185B Staffordville Connecticut 06077 Thank you. BTW I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
  9. cfmckay

    Parts list

    I am interested in your spinner mod. I have just completed a Terraplane restoration. Do you still have the spinners and adapters? Please let me know, if so how much? Thanks Craig
  10. cfmckay

    Parts list

  11. cfmckay

    Vetter terraplane and K100RS

    Just completed my restoration of a 1981 Terraplane. I acquired the sidecar in May and have been working on it ever since. My son and I completed the enlargement of my shed door, rig was too wide to exit. Took it out today, to see the sunlight, alas no sun. I took some photos which I will post...