Search results

  1. KGBnut

    Windjammer IV models?

    Yes, if you have the right bracket the fairing will fit. All the Windjammers, from the early one that were simple fairings, to the late ones with the integral turn signals, were all the same basic layout and shape...
  2. KGBnut

    Windjammer IV models?

    Maybe this one? I don't know Yamaha, but if the downtubes are the same, I would think it is a good possibility.
  3. KGBnut

    Windjammer IV models?

    What Larry said... Sadly, Vetter did not mark the mounting brackets with the bike they were designed to fit. That was only marked on the box they were originally packed in. Hopefully, you can find one that came off a bike that is the same, or similar enough. If you have some metal working...
  4. KGBnut

    Mike from Maryland Suzuki gs1100l

    Sounds like a great project, but it also sounds like you have a long road ahead. The GS series Suzukis are easy to work on, and Suzuki has one of the best legacy parts programs, so parts are usually easy to get. Is '81 still carburetor, or had they gone to fuel injection by then? If you need...
  5. KGBnut

    Mike from Maryland Suzuki gs1100l

    Do you have the instructions that go along with the bracket and the harness? If so, there are no tricks beyond that. Also, your fairing may or may not have the optional horn kit. If you don't have the instructions, let me know and I can send them to you. I have two Suzukis with Windjammers...
  6. KGBnut

    Replacement Edging for Windjammer II

    Thank you. That's better than most of the stuff that I have found. It is more similar to the stuff that was on my Wixom fairing.
  7. KGBnut

    Replacement Edging for Windjammer II

    Really? I've searched and never found anything close. I've seen some stuff that is vaguely close at some marine supply stores, but nothing to my satisfaction. I would be very interested to hear what you have found. I would love to know where Craig got his. I assume it was an off the shelf...
  8. KGBnut

    Replacement Edging for Windjammer II

    I bought new edging from Vetter a few months ago. I know their web store is no longer active, but I have emailed directly and Carol was able to sell me edging and other parts. When I last heard from her they still had lots of edging on the shelf.
  9. KGBnut

    pinch weld trim and chrome

    I think you can still get original trim from Vetter. Their web store is no longer active, but I have emailed Carol directly and she has sold me edge trim and other parts.
  10. KGBnut

    Windjammer V mounting -81 BMW R100T

    Those are not air vents. If you have the horn kit, those are openings for the sound of the horn to escape. If water does come in, there are drain holes at the bottom of the fairing. On bikes that do not have the horns, the hole in the fairing under those 'vents' are closed over with tape...
  11. KGBnut

    Windjammer V mounting -81 BMW R100T

    Yes, you can leave the headlight bucket in place, but if your airhead is like mine (1974 R90/6), I'm not sure how you would access the wiring to connect the fairing. On my Japanese bikes there is a pretty big hole in the bottom of the headlight bucket, but on my BMW it is sealed pretty tight.
  12. KGBnut

    Headlight plastic rim needed

    Okay, I did a little hunting. The Pantara is kinda cool. It looks a bit like a Windjammer knockoff (as many of them were). It is British made. I could not find a source for replacement screens, however, you might want to contact this guy. He provide replacements for Wixom, Lufmeister, and...
  13. KGBnut

    Headlight plastic rim needed

    Sorry, I am not familiar with the Pantara fairing. Are you sure it is a Vetter product? A picture would certainly be helpful. Ken
  14. KGBnut


    That is awesome. Getting the right bracket can be very frustrating, the basic mount for the bag is the same, but how it connects to the bike is all different. I've modified brackets in the past to get them to fit, but a made-for-your-bike solution is always better...and easier. Not sure why...
  15. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    The lower 'half pipes' should marry up with the down tubes. They are then held in place with hose clamps. Double-check your wiring so nothing binds when turn the handlebars lock to lock.
  16. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    I found it. This it the headlight that I use in both of my Windjammers.
  17. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    These are the instructions that I have. Also, my 1978 GS750 is probably very similar to your bike. I you run into a problem I will try and help. I am recovering from surgery right now, but if I need to sneak out to the garage to take a picture I probably do that. Take your time and be tidy...
  18. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    If it doesn't come with installation instructions, I can send you some.
  19. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    Rusty, I see that the bracket on eBay was sold. Was that you that grabbed it up? Ken
  20. KGBnut

    Hello from BC!

    Craig did offer some guidance on fabricating your own mounting brackets. Check out the link below. Craig's Guide to Custom Brackets